Montag, 6. November 2023

eQSL SAQ to the UN Day 2023 Transmission 24.10.2023 on 17,2 khz Start time 15 utc

 eQSL SAQ to the UN Day 2023 Transmission 24.10.2023 on 17,2 khz Start time 15 utc  

to send out a peace message to the whole world, thanks for the eqsl To my SWL Callsin  DL0052SWL 

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eQSL Card from Radio Piraรฑa int from 02.01.2025 on 6265 khz from 10:20 - 11:00 utc

  eQSL Card from Radio Piraรฑa int  from 02.01.2025 on 6265 khz from 10:20 - 11:00 utc