Freitag, 3. November 2023

eQSL Card from LKB LLE Radio Northern Star from Norway on 5895 khz from 02.11.2023 from 15:15 - 15:32 utc

 eQSL Card from LKB LLE Radio Northern Star  from Norway on 5895 khz  from 02.11.2023 from 15:15 - 15:32 utc 

Dear Marco,

Very pleased to hear from you!

Your reports are very encouraging.

I think this is the 3rd we’ve had from you?

Thank you very much for your communication with interesting recordings.

Yes, this seems to be us, well done.

Radio Northern Star(Northern Star Media) 


QSL 5895 kHz LLE-3 Radio Northern Star

Erdal, Norway(former NRK 1115/890 site), @30 watts AM into an "inverted V" aerial.

Date: 02.11.2023  15:15 - 15:32 UTC 

This frequency and Transmitter carries Radio Northern Star//1611 kHz, both frequencies are coming from LKB LLE Bergen Kringkaster.

Automated and live assist Classic Rock and Pop from both sides of the Atlantic with announcers Sue, Howie, Ron and Rosko etc. 

Gospel programming as VFG 17 hours per week, 6 hours Saturdays and Sundays, 1 hr weekdays.

5895 heard in 30+ countries. 

We also have Radio Northern Star LLE-4 1611 kHz, 700 watts.

Heard in 16+ countries. 

Separate QSL for that.

We also have The Ferry(presently only web) and Kysten/The Coast, our FM station(Country, Scandinavian and Gospel Music) 93.8/100.3 MHz

Schedule for both stations: 0559-2305 UTC.

Welcome back with further reports!

Please share with your DX colleagues.

Thanks again for the reports which we enjoyed very much.

LKB LLE Site QSL enclosed.

I also enclose an outtake of a recent «Radiorama»(Italy) about our two transmitters and antennas on p. 10 og 12.

kind regards and 73s


Svenn Martinsen

Northern Star Media Services AS(Norway)

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eQSL Card from Radio Piraรฑa int from 02.01.2025 on 6265 khz from 10:20 - 11:00 utc

  eQSL Card from Radio Piraรฑa int  from 02.01.2025 on 6265 khz from 10:20 - 11:00 utc