eQSL Card from Mike Radio on 5800 khz via Relay Mike Radio from 13.02.2024 time 20:20 - 20:45 utc Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ
Germanydxer LW MW SW UKW - SWL for BC and Ham Radio - DL-S2121737- DL0052SWL
eQSL Card from Mike Radio on 5800 khz via Relay Mike Radio from 13.02.2024 time 20:20 - 20:45 utc Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ
The Programm Schedule of the Henry Norman Show on 9955 khz via WRMI for 2024
Reception Report for the Henry Norman Show
To henrynormanshow@gmail.com
And further Programm Information for the Musikallee via Channel292 on 9670 khz
09.03.2024 ~ 09:00 - 10:00 utc
Report of the Musikallee on
24.03.2024 ~ 11:00 - 12:00 utc
Reception Reports to
eQSL Card from Olympia Radio SVO on 16804,5 khz DSC from 26.02.2024 time 08:40 - 08:42 utc from Call to General Cargo Ship
eQSL from Radyo Pilipinas 9925 khz from 26.02.2024 time 18:00 - 18:30 utc
On Saturday, March 2nd, a new program from Radio Igloo will be on air.
The West Coast DX-Club will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg next weekend.
To draw attention to this, Radio Igloo will be on air with a new program with a mix of information and music with Swedish artists.
For the first time, the program will be broadcast simultaneously from at least four different transmitters, on different frequencies and from different locations in Central Europe.
This has been possible thanks to our radio-friends in Central Europe.
The program will be broadcast on Saturday March 2nd 17.00 Central European Time (16.00 UTC) on 5010 or 5040, 5840 ,6260 , 6300 kHz. (or on free frequencies nearby).
Presumably the program will be rebroadcast the following day at 15.00 CET but then only on 6300 kHz.
We appreciate reports on our program, preferably with an audio clip and with comments on the content of the program.
Correct reports will be answered with a new e-QSL. Send your reports to radioigloo@gmail.com
eQSL Card from Radio Casanova on 6020 khz from 25.02.2024 time 07:25 - 08:05 utc Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ Radio Casanova
eQSL Card from Gringo Radio from 24.02.2024 on 6195 khz from 14:30 - 15:50 utc
QSL Card from Welle 370 from 28.01.2024 on 6070 khz from 09:15 - 10:00 utc via Moosbrunn Austria ๐ฆ๐น & 04.02.2024 on 6095 khz via Nauen from 012:15 - 13:00 utc Nauen Germany ๐ฉ๐ช ๐ก
eQSL Card from Radio Casanova on 6060 khz from 24.02.2024 time 07:10 - 08:25 utc Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ Radio Casanova
eQSL Letter from Radio City on 6070 khz & 9670 khz from 024.02.2024 from 09:00 - 09:30 utc Canada ๐จ๐ฆ
eQSL Card from CCR Las Palmas Radio on 2187,5 khz DSC from 22.02.2024 time 20:06 - 20:10 utc from Call to General Cargo Ship
eQSL Card from Oostende Radio on 2187,5 khz DSC from 22.02.2024 time 16:41 - 16:44 utc from Call to Oil Tanker
Direct QSL Card from Guam ๐ฌ๐บ from KTWR GUAM ๐ฌ๐บ fom 19.01.2023 & 23.01.2024 on 7510 khz and 13740 khz fom Transmitter Merizo
QSL Card from Radio Marabu from 25.12.2024 time 12:15 - 12:35 utc on 6070 khz from
eQSL Card from Radio Sombrero from 17.02.2024 time 11:35 - 11:55 utc on 6306,3 khz from Finland ๐ซ๐ฎ
eQSL Card from Reach Beyond Australia from 15.02.2024 on 11875 khz time 12:30 -12:50 utc Tranmitter Kununurra Australia ๐ฆ๐บ
QSL Card from Radio Pandora on 6320 khz from 03.02.2024 time 16:18 - 16:38 utc
eQSL from Radyo Pilipinas 15190 khz from 15.02.2024 time 17:30 - 19:00 utc
eQSL Card from Radio Casanova on 6060 khz from 1802.2024 time 07:20 - 07:52 utc Netherlands ๐ณ๐ฑ Radio Casanova de Radio Mario Special Show
eQSL Card from XTC Shortwawe on 6277 khz from 17.02.2024 time 11:58 - 12:20 utc
eQSL Card from Enterprise Radio on 6963 khz from 18.02.2024vtime 08:24 - 09:10 utc Italy ๐ฎ๐น
eQSL Card from Radio OZ Viola on 6055 khz from 17.02.2024 time 12:35 to 12:55 utc Denmark ๐ฉ๐ฐ
eQSL Card from the Steelguitar from 10.02.2024 on 6070 khz from 11:12 - 12:00 utc Germany ๐ฉ๐ช
eQSL ,s Card from Radio Delta from 18.02.2024 on 12030 khz from 09:35 - 10:05 utc
eQSL Card from Gringo Radio from 17.02.2024 on 6195 khz from 10:25- 11:35 utc
QSL Card from Radio Free Asia from 19.01.2024 & 25.01.2024 on 5890 khz from 19:25 - 19:45 utc & on 7540 khz from 15:00 - 15:25 utc
QSL Card from N5J from Jarvis Island - OC - 081 from 12.08.2024 and QSL Card from the Neighboring Island K5P Palmya Atoll OC - 085 from ...